Lahann part of newly awarded NSF-ERC center

Foster paradigm-shifting research to solve the biggest, most complex health challenges of our time.

Sea Slug

In 2012, the University of Michigan set out to exponentially accelerate the discovery of new healthcare technologies by launching the Biointerfaces Institute (BI). Designed to promote continual collaboration between life and physical scientists, this unconventional research hub is creating a new kind of science landscape—a venue that encourages out-of- the-box thinking, drives innovation, accelerates the path from basic research to real-world health outcomes, and simultaneously serves as an ideal training site for the next generation of scientists and thought leaders.

Institute researchers are taking a close look at biointerfaces: the critical junctures between living cells and other surfaces, to develop new technologies for understanding, diagnosing and treating disease. Researchers are aided in their efforts by another, equally critical type of interface —daily, face-to- face interactions among researchers from diverse disciplines — to break through silos, spur collaborations, and drive innovation. Thirty research groups from twelve departments across the University of Michigan’s schools of Engineering, Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy have been co-located into the Biointerfaces Institute’s footprint at UM’s North Campus Research Complex.


Working together under one roof, Institute researchers are advancing research in the following areas:

Create a barrier-free environment engineered for ongoing collaboration

Sunitha Nagrath Cell and Tissue Engineering

The Biointerfaces Institute pools UM’s strengths in these different scientific areas to focus on facilitating interactions between researchers who both ask great questions and solve tough problems. BI faculty have already translated new research findings into practical applications. Understanding that research collaborations are essential to advance biomedical research, the Biointerfaces Institute also provides space for visiting collaborators in its Integration Space. These state-of-the-art research laboratories offer university colleagues and corporate collaborators an opportunity to work side-by- side with BI researchers for up to a year, further advancing and accelerating bench to bedside results.

29 research groups comprised of more than 350 high-profile scientists

TaeHwa Chun

BI Impact

BI researchers are active contributors to the university’s research mission: engaging in scientific discovery and entrepreneurship across the institute and the entire campus.  At BI, we are making scholarly impact and technological strides, while training the next generation of biomedical engineers.

Research Accomplishments


in research expenditures since 2012


Distribution In Seed Funding To 25+ Multi-Disciplinary Teams


Department Challenges Organized That Brought Together 350+ Participants

Since 2012 BI Researchers Have Participated In

1700+ Publications
120,000+ Citations


Issued US Patents

New Startups

The Biointerfaces Institute brings extensive experience to the collaborations that lead to scientific breakthroughs, successful translation, and advanced learning.

Work With Us