

Break down disciplinary barriers to generate high-impact biomedical innovations

The Biointerfaces Institute is home to 30 research groups comprised of more than 350 high-profile scientists from the School of Dentistry, College of Engineering, the School of Medicine, and the College of Pharmacy. Here, in this front-line research facility, leading investigators join forces to attack complex biomedical challenges by leveraging their expertise in our research thrusts. Despite their diverse backgrounds, our faculty are remarkably alike in their relentless curiosity, their fearless approach to collaboration, and a results-driven, entrepreneurial streak that has inspired many of them to launch start-ups.

BioInnovations in Brain Cancer

Drive innovation and translation that will deliver technological breakthroughs and a real impact for brain cancer patients.

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Single Cell Technologies

To build a synergistic scientific and technological platform to understand a single cell through the convergence of biology, computation and engineering.

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Neural Engineering

To develop methods to probe the nervous system and to generate novel neural interfaces.

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To probe nanomaterials self-assembly through simulation and guide the development of new nanomaterials.

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Cell and Tissue Engineering

To understand fundamental principles of cell biology and exploit this knowledge to develop novel technologies for manipulating biological materials.

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Advanced Materials and Drug Delivery

To create and apply cutting-edge biomaterials for high-impact biomedical applications and to create paradigm-changing approaches and systems for advanced drug delivery.

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The BI Creates a Barrier-Free Environment Engineered for Ongoing Collaboration

See How We Collaborate

The Biointerfaces Institute brings extensive experience to the collaborations that lead to scientific breakthroughs, successful translation, and advanced learning.

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