Recent BI Publications
Posted on 04 Jan
Recent BI Publications
Advanced Materials and Drug Delivery
- Inhibition of 2-hydroxyglutarate elicits metabolic-reprograming and mutant IDH1 glioma immunity in mice (Moon & A. Schwendeman)
- Self-erasable and rewritable photonic platform for anti-tamper hardware (Kim)
- Synthetic high-density lipoproteins loaded with an antiplatelet drug for efficient inhibition of thrombosis in mice (A. Schwendeman)
- Turbulent skin friction reduction through the application of superhydrophobic coatings to a towed submerged SUBOFF body (Tuteja)
Cell and Tissue Engineering
- Biodegradable, bile salt microparticles forlocalized fat dissolution (Eniola-Adefeso)
- Biosensor and lab-on-a-chip biomarker-identifying technologies for oral and periodontal diseases (Giannobile)
- Disease-induced immunomodulation at biomaterial scaffolds detects early pancreatic cancer in a spontaneous model (Shea & Wicha)
- Engineered tools to study intercellular communication (Aguilar)
- miRNAs in osteoclast biology (Weivoda)
- The lung microbiome: A central mediator of host inflammation and metabolism in lung cancer patients? (D. Nagrath)
- A comprehensive assessment of multi-system responses to a renal inoculation of uropathogenic E. coli in swine (VanEpps)
- Determining threadlike micelle lengths from rheometry (Larson)
- Mie resonance engineering in meta-shell supraparticles for nanoscale nonlinear optics (Kotov)
- Muscle-inspired flexible mechanical logic architecture for colloidal robotics (Glotzer)
- Open-source molecular modeling software in chemical engineering focusing on the molecular simulation design framework (Glotzer)
- Optical processes in carbon nanocolloids (Kotov)
- Optically and structurally stabilized plasmo‐bio interlinking networks (Lee)
- Strategy for reducing molecular ensemble size for efficient rheological modeling of commercial polymers (Larson)