Recent BI Publications
Posted on 31 Jul
Recent BI Publications
Advanced Materials and Drug Delivery
- Engineered ovalbumin nanoparticles for cancer immunotherapy (Lahann & Moon)
- Enzyme scaffolds with hierarchically defined properties via 3D jet writing (Lahann)
- Improving STING agonist delivery for cancer immunotherapy using biodegradable mesoporous silica nanoparticles (Moon)
- On demand light-degradable polymers based on 9,10-dialkoxyanthracenes (Lahann)
Cell and Tissue Engineering
- Hydrogel and neural progenitor cell delivery supports organotypic fetal spinal cord development in an ex vivo model of prenatal spina bifida repair (Shea)
- Increased expression of interleukin-1 receptor characterizes anti-estrogen-resistant ALDH+ breast cancer stem cells (Wicha)
- ITLN1 modulates invasive potential and metabolic reprogramming of ovarian cancer cells in omental microenvironment (D. Nagrath)
- Peri‐implant soft tissue phenotype modification and its impact on peri‐implant health: A systematic review and network meta‐analysis (Giannobile)
- Simultaneous single cell gene expression and EGFR mutation analysis of circulating tumor cells reveals distinct phenotypes in NSCLC (Keller & S. Nagrath)
- Tumour-reprogrammed stromal BCAT1 fuels branched-chain ketoacid dependency in stromal-rich PDAC tumours (D. Nagrath & S. Nagrath)
- A slip-spring simulation model for predicting linear and nonlinear rheology of entangled wormlike micellar solutions (Larson)
- HOOMD-blue version 3.0 a modern, extensible, flexible, object-oriented API for molecular simulations (Glotzer)
Neural Engineering
- A patient-specific computational framework for the Argus II implant (Lempka & Weiland)
- Estimating risk for future intracranial, fully implanted, modular neuroprosthetic systems: A systematic review of hardware complications in clinical deep brain stimulation and experimental human intracortical arrays (Chestek)
- Real-time pattern recognition of finger movements using regenerative peripheral nerve interfaces and implanted electrodes (Chestek)